As the Greeks and Serbs complete the defeat of most Ottoman forces in the rest of the Balkans, the Bulgarians finally begin the attack on the final set of defenses standing between them and Constantinople.
Major Characters in this Episode
Tsar Ferdinand
General Dimitriev
Timeline for this Episode (old calendar)
1912, Oct 30th - Serbian forces requested by Bulgaria arrive to assist in the siege of Adrianople.
1912, Oct 30th - Ottoman forces in Europe are limited to Constantinople and a few fortresses. Kamil Pasha sends a letter to Tsar Ferdinand proposing a truce and the beginning of peace negotiations.
1912, Nov 3rd - Serbian forces reach the Adriatic coast.
1912, Nov 3-5th - Battle of Prilep
1912, Nov 4 - The Bulgarians launch an offensive in the Rhodopi south towards the Aegean.
1912, Nov 4-6th - A Bulgarian attack on Chataldzha fails.
1912, Nov 4-5th - Battle of Bitola.
1912, Nov 5th - Serb and Montenegrin forces take the port of Lezhe
1912, Nov 5th - A Greek landing helps secure southern Albania.
1912, Nov 5th - Tsar Ferdinand pressures Gueshoff to begin negotiations.
Main Sources for This Episode:
The Balkan Wars 1912-1913: Prelude to the First World War by Richard C. Hall
Prelude to the First World War: The Balkan Wars 1912-1913 by E.R. Hooton
The Wars of Yesterday: The Balkan Wars and the Emergence of Modern Military Conflict, 1912-1913 Edited by Katrin Boeskh and Sabine Rutar
Foxy Ferdinand by Stephen Constant
The Balkans: Nationalism, War, and the Great Powers, 1804-1999 by Misha Glenny
Greek plans for an assault on the Dardanelles (1912-1914) by Dionysios Chourchoulis
