Chaos engulfs Walachia and Moldavia while earthquakes and civil war come to the Ottomans. All the while, the rising power of the Safavids in the East will finally challenge the Ottomans. The results will set a new course for the Ottomans in the Middle East
Major Characters in this Episode:
Stephen the Great
Bogdan III the One-Eyed
Sigismund I the Old
John Corvinus
Christopher Corvinus
Alexander I
Louis II of Hungary
Radu IV
Mihnea cel Rău
Mircea III Dracul
Selim I
Timeline for this episode:
1504, John Corvinus dies at age 31 leaving one son, Christopher Corvinus who died at the age of 6 the next year of suspected poisoning. With him the Hunyadi family ends.
1504, Stephen the Great dies and Moldavia quickly loses the bit of southern Poland it took two years previously
1504, Bogdan III becomes Voivode of Moldavia and marries the sister of the King of Poland
1505-6, brief war between Hungary and Austria
1506, Alexander I, King of Poland and Duke of Lithuania dies and is succeeded by his brother Sigismund I the Old
1506, Vladislaus has a son, meaning Maximilian’s family no longer has the possibility to rule Hungary (though his son died the same year). His wife dies from complications from childbirth. The Hungarian Diet also decided the foreign rulers were a terrible idea and they would no longer have them, though Vladislaus was still King.
1508, Radu IV “The Great” dies and is succeeded by his cousin Mihnea cel Rău
1509, Mihnea cel Rău is overthrown with Ottoman assistance and replaced by Mircea III Dracul
October 1509, Bogdan III is defeated by Sigismund I in battle on the Dniester
September 1509, massive earthquake hits Constantinople
January 17, 1510, peace treaty is signed between the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and Moldavia
1510, Moldavia suffers two Tatar invasions
1510, the Seven year peace following the treaty of 1503 is renewed
1512 Peace treaty is annulled by Bayezid’s successor Selim
1513, Battle of Dubica
1514, Battle of Chaldiran
